Natal Astrology
Natal Astrology - Birth Data
Elle Fanning  Female  Apr. 9th, 1998 --:--  Conyers, Georgia, U.S.  EDT (UTC-04h00m)  Lat.:33.66761  Long.:-84.01769
Notes on using the following astrogical reading
Your personality is developed under the influence of astrological signs and houses in which each planet is located at your birth, and angles between one planet and another. Though each of the following elements may be positive or negative and can contradict each other, your personality is composed of many elements including those that are contradictory, just like a dish is made from many different ingredients and seasonings.
Basic personality ... The following section shows your innate basic character and general fortune.
You are vivacious and have a lot of energy and the ability to take action. Besides, you are brave and strong-willed and insist on your opinion. However, as you hate to lose, when you disagree with others, even if they are hard to defeat, you make enemies of whoever crosses your path.

You can always recognize things objectively and analytically. However, as you are nervous, you will get worried about trivial things, and because of that, will experience a change in mood.

You are serious and temperate and can have been raised under a strict father, so you have a repressed and timid personality.

Your intelligence development can tend to be slower than others.

You may be interested in lifelong learning.

You show your ability in your area of specialty.

You have great abilities to see through others' minds and to analyze and pursue underlying causes that things will occur.

As your free emotional expression is restricted, your suppressed personality can be developed.

As you excessively indulge in dreamy thought, you try to create and carry out plans that are never realized at all.

You may brew mischief and cause a catastrophe or may have a delusion that is similar to obsession.

Object of aspirations and interests ... The following section shows the object or tendency of what you want or want to be.
You are filled with a pioneering spirit to unknown fields and will boldly challenge to the theme that others have not tested, opening up your own life.

You like to criticize, and your content of the story is realistic and piercing the essence of things. However, you are nagging and point out someone's faults without hesitation, so you are easy to arouse his/her antipathy.

You don't like to be determined anything by others, so you want to decide anything by yourself.

In an attempt to make a decision as soon as possible, sometimes you may rush for a conclusion.

You are an active person, don't want to stay still and will want to go somewhere soon.

Love and marriage ... The following section shows the way you think about love and your view on marriage.
You are sensitive and romantic and can well understand others thought. As you are considerate and afraid of hurting others, you prioritize their interests more than yours. So when you are approached to start dating by someone, you cannot refuse completely and may get together being overpowered by him/her.

Meanwhile, as you don't doubt people too much and tend to make emotional judgments ruled by feelings or moods, you are easy to be used by people, so be careful.

By filling your imagination, you tend to interpret your partner and your romance itself in the direction of your convenience that is far from reality.

You have a strong sex appeal and attract the interest of the opposite sex. So if you are a woman, you are susceptible to sexual damage.

You have an intensive sex drive, and in romantic relationships, you are strongly drawn to the physical aspect of the partner. However, those desires can be oppressed by reason.

You have a dominant feeling and an impossible expectation to the partner, but as you intrinsically have a misfortune that you are hard to get together with the loved one, you will mostly have a miserable ending, will get hurt and will have regrets. As a result, those experiences will leave a long-lasting emotional scar.

You will easily be addicted to physical pleasure.

Physical traits ... The following section shows things that are related to the body such as innate physical constitution or characteristics.
You care about your health very much and can have your hygiene, always trying to live a well-ordered life.

You are intelligent and have strong intellectual curiosity, skillfully dealing with all brain and manual work.

You have a strong body and are very active.

You tend to overeat, so it is necessary to pay attention to obesity and other lifestyle diseases.

Point of view or sense of value ... The following section shows what is usually important to you.
Once you decide to do something, you will stick to your beliefs, rushing recklessly, and believing in your abilities.

You are agile and speak eloquently. Besides, you think creatively and can come up with ideas intuitively.

You are not good at focusing on one thing for a long time but good at short-term intensive ways of learning like overnight cramming.

You are very honest, but can express your thought directly and frankly. Also, you can be selfish.

Due to the lack of confidence, you can't be adventurous and tend to behave with care. However, as you act on a whim, you may not carry out your original intention and can be frustrated and throw out on the way.

You are easygoing and have an optimistic viewpoint without reality. Besides, you expect results with no effort and always conveniently appreciate yourself.

You tend to project your unrealistic dreams and ideals into practical life.

You tend to perceive things negatively and pessimistically and may lack in generosity to accept others.

You are sober and think logically, tending to give some serious thought to everything.

You have a clear mind and a creative imagination that deviate from preconceived notions, perceiving things intuitively and accurately, and embodying your idea.

You are a patient, steady hard worker.

Human relationships ... The following section shows how you interact with people around you and build relationships with them.
You can lead the group as a leader, but as you may not pay attention to details, you cannot be trusted by others unless you put your feet into their shoes.

You will decide things as you want without thinking of other people's opinions.

You are wild and brave and tend to contend with someone. When you are with more than one person, you are more likely to take a leading position.

You have compassion for others and try to do a favor for people around you self-sacrificingly.

You have an aggressive and selfish personality, taking a discriminatory attitude toward someone weaker than yourself, and treating him/her harshly.

You are empathetic and easy to empathize with the hearts of others. So be careful, because you immediately trust people and are easily exploited.

You are inflexible and prone to friction with people around you.

How you interact with society ... The following section shows what you tend to do in society in general.
You are decisive and have the courage. Besides, you have a spirit of independence, always seeking leadership positions. However, as you often jump to conclusions, you'd better think well before you act.

Relationships with your family ... The following section shows the way you build relationships with your family.
There is no element in this category.

How you solve problems ... The following section shows how you overcome problems when you face them.
You cannot be satisfied unless you are challenging something as a goal.

You deal with the difficulties of life tenaciously, cultivating knowledge and experience. Eventually, you form a mature personality in later years.

Job and work ... The following section shows your strengths and weaknesses when you work.
You are suitable for detailed work that requires attentiveness, and also can deal with modest, clerical routine matter-of-factly.

You tend to become trapped in your work or mission.

Money and fortune ... The following section shows how you deal with money and whether it is easy for you to save or waste.
As you cannot repress your desires, when you have something you want, you cannot control that feeling and waste money in vain.

Artistic sense ... The following section shows your artistic sensibility.
You have a great imagination, and your sensibility can be used in artistic spheres.

You are susceptive and rich in imagination and have potential to exercise your ability in artistic fields.

Hobbies and preferences ... The following section shows your hobbies and things that you usually want to do.
You are sensitive and have a heart that is easy to resonate with things around you.

You may live in a fantasy world, lacking social adaptability, and escaping from reality to the world of hobbies.

You are interested in mysterious things or could have those abilities.

You may not be able to get out of alcohol or other substances.

Cautions ... The following section shows things that you should keep in mind in your life.
You have intense energy inside of you, which can draw accidents and troubles to you.

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