Natal Astrology
Natal Astrology - Birth Data
David Letterman  Male  Apr. 12th, 1947 --:--  Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.  CST (UTC-06h00m)  Lat.:39.768403  Long.:-86.158068
Notes on using the following astrogical reading
Your personality is developed under the influence of astrological signs and houses in which each planet is located at your birth, and angles between one planet and another. Though each of the following elements may be positive or negative and can contradict each other, your personality is composed of many elements including those that are contradictory, just like a dish is made from many different ingredients and seasonings.
Basic personality ... The following section shows your innate basic character and general fortune.
You are vivacious and have a lot of energy and the ability to take action. Besides, you are brave and strong-willed and insist on your opinion. However, as you hate to lose, when you disagree with others, even if they are hard to defeat, you make enemies of whoever crosses your path.

You are intelligent and are constantly brushing up your knowledge. However, a vague sense of insecurity dominates your mind.

You are responsible and have mental strength too, so you are successful with age, and some of you will have significant social influences.

You are skeptical and like to fathom other person's real intentions.

You have intense emotions, and when you get frustrated, your aggressive side will come out, or you behave bizarrely.

You are active. However, you can be overconfident about your abilities, or can be insensitive to the feelings of others.

In the field of communication, you are attracted to advanced notions and adopt new methods. Besides, you have a wealth of ideas, and always seek new and exciting things to satisfy your intellect.

You are intelligent, mentally agile, and eloquent and like to argue with someone. However, you easily have a selfish idea, pointing out others' shortcomings without hesitation.

You have a practical intellect useful for work and study and show your ability in business routines.

You have a talent for research and are suited for pursuing a particular field for a long time.

You might be a kind of peculiar character, and always want to do something different from others. Though you try to pursue that kind of things, you may feel pressed and may be hard to produce results.

You are very active and have courage, generosity, and an adventurous spirit, responding positively to everything.

You have self-discipline and make a sober and realistic judgment, controling your motivation and fighting spirit tactfully.

As you excessively indulge in dreamy thought, you try to create and carry out plans that are never realized at all.

You may brew mischief and cause a catastrophe or may have a delusion that is similar to obsession.

Object of aspirations and interests ... The following section shows the object or tendency of what you want or want to be.
You are filled with a pioneering spirit to unknown fields and will boldly challenge to the theme that others have not tested, opening up your own life.

You try to act as if you are a socially useful person, constantly suppressing your emotional expressions.

You don't like to be determined anything by others, so you want to decide anything by yourself.

In an attempt to make a decision as soon as possible, sometimes you may rush for a conclusion.

You are an active person, don't want to stay still and will want to go somewhere soon.

You can put effort only into what you are interested in.

Love and marriage ... The following section shows the way you think about love and your view on marriage.
You are sensitive and romantic and can well understand others thought. As you are considerate and afraid of hurting others, you prioritize their interests more than yours. So when you are approached to start dating by someone, you cannot refuse completely and may get together being overpowered by him/her.

Meanwhile, as you don't doubt people too much and tend to make emotional judgments ruled by feelings or moods, you are easy to be used by people, so be careful.

By filling your imagination, you tend to interpret your partner and your romance itself in the direction of your convenience that is far from reality.

When you are a man and married, you are likely to get together with a beautiful and good looking woman.

In your relationships with the opposite sex or in your sexual expressions, you can bring about thoughts or actions that deviate from common sense that you can wear strange or eccentric outfit or that you can be in a love triangle. In any case, it is clear that the relationships with the opposite sex will deepen and that troubles increase in those relationships. So, sudden changes will be likely to occur, such as unexpected marriages or separations with your partners.

You will easily be addicted to physical pleasure.

Physical traits ... The following section shows things that are related to the body such as innate physical constitution or characteristics.
You like exercise and are generally blessed with good health.

Point of view or sense of value ... The following section shows what is usually important to you.
Once you decide to do something, you will stick to your beliefs, rushing recklessly, and believing in your abilities.

You tend to perceive things sensuously and seem to be lacking in logic and reality.

When you encounter problems, you can easily be confused and distracted.

You cannot focus on one thing and will disperse your attention in various directions.

When you judge things, you are susceptible to emotional influences from others and hard to have your own consistent opinions.

You are good at expressing your ideas through artistic acts rather than words.

You have a desire in your mind that you will be noticed and admired by others. However, by the fear that you will fail and be made fun of, you cannot express yourself as you like. If you overcome it, you could succeed in the field of show business and elsewhere.

You have a talent for invention and can come up with innovative ideas and plans. So you are expected to take an active part in areas that require the latest technology.

You tend to project your unrealistic dreams and ideals into practical life, and by seeing the harsh reality, you will be frustrated and want to run away.

You have a conscientious, broad perspective and judge issues fairly. Besides, you have an inquiring turn of mind, absorbing a wide range of knowledge through reading and others. Then, you can develop ideas through the knowledge gained from them. So, you could reach more profound and lofty thoughts.

Human relationships ... The following section shows how you interact with people around you and build relationships with them.
You can lead the group as a leader, but as you may not pay attention to details, you cannot be trusted by others unless you put your feet into their shoes.

You are serious, but as you could be square and prefer to be lonely, you can come across as a difficult person to approach. Besides, as you are self-conscious, you cannot make smooth communication with surrounding people and are indifferent to the feelings of others. Meanwhile, as you are good at recognizing someone's strong and weak points, you have some management ability and can tactfully handle people.

You are wild and brave and tend to contend with someone. When you are with more than one person, you are more likely to take a leading position.

You have a dominant feeling for others.

As you are popular and have good organizational strength, you incite the groups or the masses by your thoughts and ideas and can lead them to the goal. So you establish your position as a leader in new fields.

You have a gentle personality and are blessed with popular and love luck. Along with sociability, you build a wide variety of relationships.

As the way you express your affection is openhearted and natural, you will easily get support especially from women.

You are romantic and have a sensitive heart and easy to empathize with the hearts of others. So be careful, as you immediately trust people and are easily exploited.

You play an important role in organizations.

How you interact with society ... The following section shows what you tend to do in society in general.
You have a hunger for fame and power to the society to which you belong and will not spare your efforts for social success.

You place great importance on free and democratic way of thinking.

You actively participate in social activities.

Relationships with your family ... The following section shows the way you build relationships with your family.
There is no element in this category.

How you solve problems ... The following section shows how you overcome problems when you face them.
You are self-disciplined and will live a life that you impose some challenge on yourself and that you will get over it. So your work might be a hobby for you.

You cannot be satisfied unless you are challenging something as a goal.

You are a patient and a hard worker, and once you set your goal, you certainly realize in a sound manner. So, you can be a late bloomer.

Job and work ... The following section shows your strengths and weaknesses when you work.
You can handle your work quickly with active decision-making.

You can handle your work accurately and efficiently, but it is unreasonable to ask creativity to you.

Money and fortune ... The following section shows how you deal with money and whether it is easy for you to save or waste.
You are a realistic rationalist, being careful about money matters, and strongly wanting to be financially stable.

You are skillful in asset management.

You are easy to succeed socially and can live a financially prosperous life.

You are prone to losses due to financial problems.

You might succeed in business and are likely to be in economically privileged situations.

Artistic sense ... The following section shows your artistic sensibility.
You have excellent creativity and artistic talent.

You love beauty and art and also have a talent to apply them.

Your expression can bring about an innovation in artistic spheres.

Hobbies and preferences ... The following section shows your hobbies and things that you usually want to do.
You want to lead a secluded life or to immersed in alcohol and other substances.

You enjoy traveling and sports.

You may not be able to get out of alcohol or other substances.

Cautions ... The following section shows things that you should keep in mind in your life.
There is no element in this category.

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