Natal Astrology
Natal Astrology - Birth Data
Hugh Dancy  Male  June 19th, 1975 --:--  Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England, U.K.  BST (UTC+01h00m)  Lat.:53.002668  Long.:-2.179404
Notes on using the following astrogical reading
Your personality is developed under the influence of astrological signs and houses in which each planet is located at your birth, and angles between one planet and another. Though each of the following elements may be positive or negative and can contradict each other, your personality is composed of many elements including those that are contradictory, just like a dish is made from many different ingredients and seasonings.
Basic personality ... The following section shows your innate basic character and general fortune.
You are a good talker, convincing and mentally agile, and like to express your opinion and to argue with others. However, as you lose interest easily, you are not good at pursuing one thing deeply, always wanting to try out something new, or working in many fields at the same time.

No matter what person or situation you encounter, you deal with them well, showing great adaptability.

You are sensitive to new things, and are always seeking the latest information. However, when you lose yourself, you tend to spend your life, just chasing after fads.

Depending on your environment, if you have been well educated since you were a child, you will become a clever and brilliant person.

As you are jealous, when there is a matter that you bear a grudge against someone, you vindictively remember it and can even get revenge against him/her.

You are enthusiastic when you approach things and will put all your energy into your goal until you reach them.

You are apt to hide something and need your own time and space, so you are unwilling for others to enter into your territory.

You have a quick judgment and a great faculty.

You are delicate, and your emotions are easy to change. However, you try to act a person who is immune to everything, worrying about others.

You like to brag about your misfortune, acting the heroine of tragedy. None the less, you are calculating in everything.

You have a clear mind and great intuition and insist on your freedom thoroughly.

You are lively and amiable and enjoy conversations.

As you are sensitive and vulnerable and tend to imagine things and relationships for the worse, you are prone to self-destructive behavior. Besides, in a discursive consciousness, you tend to make unrealistic judgments. On top of that, you often tell a lie and trap others, but on the one hand, you can also be deceived by others.

You are brave, adventurous, and very active.

You lack motivation and aggressiveness, and your personality is apt to be suppressed.

In your daily life, you always have dissatisfaction in your mind and will rebel nonsensically against trivial things.

Object of aspirations and interests ... The following section shows the object or tendency of what you want or want to be.
You don't like to be determined anything by others, so you want to decide anything by yourself.

In an attempt to make a decision as soon as possible, sometimes you may rush for a conclusion.

You are an active person, don't want to stay still and will want to go somewhere soon.

Love and marriage ... The following section shows the way you think about love and your view on marriage.
You have a strong sexual desire and always seek physical pleasure. In general, you may become interested in sexual matters earlier than others, and may have a strong sexual attraction too.

Concerning making a choice of your lover, you choose a person whom you feel proud of in showing off him/her to others like a trophy.

You are proud and have a hard time to declare your love to someone. However, your affection is sincere, and you are passionate. Also, you need a dramatic staging in the way the love grows.

You tend to impose your taste or interest on your partner, getting the wrong idea that the partner thinks the same way as you do.

You create a new form of marriage that emphasize the rights of one another.

There is a tendency that you choose a person, who can understand one another's hobbies and personalities, as your partner.

You are likely to live your married life far from common sense.

Once you fall in love, you tend to be addicted to physical pleasure or to be deeply immersed in a romantic and sentimental world. Then, you will not reflect on reality.

Physical traits ... The following section shows things that are related to the body such as innate physical constitution or characteristics.
In general, you are blessed with a healthy body with vitality.

Point of view or sense of value ... The following section shows what is usually important to you.
You are restless and always move around, so the subject of your interest will change quickly. You constantly keep absorbing wide and shallow knowledge than delve into one thing over time. Besides, you can do and think more than two things at the same time. However, you are nervous, have a delicate sensibility, and respond sensitively to everything, so you can suffer from nerves.

You have deep insight into words, being eloquent in speech, and showing your ability in writing.

You have a talent for invention and can come up with innovative ideas and plans. So you are expected to take an active part in areas that require the latest technology.

You are unique in your own way and always try to have independent thoughts that are different from others. Besides, you think that change is good and seek diversified circumstances in your daily life.

You actively work on everything.

Human relationships ... The following section shows how you interact with people around you and build relationships with them.
You deal with others dominantly and are not satisfied unless they do as you told.

You are wild and brave and tend to contend with someone. When you are with more than one person, you are more likely to take a leading position.

You are self-centered and dominant to others and always want to decide on your own accord.

You gain trust from others and can smooth the surrounding relationships. Besides, you have good relations with your family members.

As you are popular and have good organizational strength, you incite the groups or the masses by your thoughts and ideas and can lead them to the goal. So you establish your position as a leader in new fields.

You have personal warmth and are socially adept, so you have an attractive personality loved by everyone.

You are an attractive person who draws people around.

You are obstinate and inflexible and prone to friction with people around you.

You don't harmonize with the surroundings, always creating a situation that is hostile to someone, and wearing down your nerves. Also, you resist violently against bondage and always want to put yourself in a tense world.

How you interact with society ... The following section shows what you tend to do in society in general.
You don't like being bound and always ask to be in a free environment.

You hope that the organization and the family to which you belong remain healthy and will work on them to realize your wish.

You have special feelings for freedom and equality and insist that you and others must be treated equally. You are also objective in evaluation of others and will rebel against dominant people or organizations to which you belong.

You place great importance on free and democratic way of thinking.

You are ambitious and can get along in the world powerfully and skilfully.

Relationships with your family ... The following section shows the way you build relationships with your family.
There is no element in this category.

How you solve problems ... The following section shows how you overcome problems when you face them.
You cannot be satisfied unless you are challenging something as a goal.

Job and work ... The following section shows your strengths and weaknesses when you work.
You have a dream in business or other activities that you will plan new things from scratch and then develop them.

You are likely to be favored by influential people in organizations.

You lack the ability to get on in the world.

Money and fortune ... The following section shows how you deal with money and whether it is easy for you to save or waste.
You like stocks and other speculative dealings, but the results depend on your ability.

You actively make money, and also are prone to speculative behavior.

Artistic sense ... The following section shows your artistic sensibility.
As you have a sense of fashion and art, you can take advantage of them for your work.

You have an artistic sense and can make use of them for your hobbies and work.

You have excellent qualities for sensibility and inspiration in art and creation and can play an active part in those fields.

Hobbies and preferences ... The following section shows your hobbies and things that you usually want to do.
There is no element in this category.

Cautions ... The following section shows things that you should keep in mind in your life.
Impulsive energy inside of you can create situations that are likely to cause accidents and troubles to you, so be careful.

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