Natal Astrology
Natal Astrology - Birth Data
Taron Lexton  Male  June 29th, 1984 --:--  Johannesburg, South Africa  SAST (UTC+02h00m)  Lat.:-26.204103  Long.:28.047305
Notes on using the following astrogical reading
Your personality is developed under the influence of astrological signs and houses in which each planet is located at your birth, and angles between one planet and another. Though each of the following elements may be positive or negative and can contradict each other, your personality is composed of many elements including those that are contradictory, just like a dish is made from many different ingredients and seasonings.
Basic personality ... The following section shows your innate basic character and general fortune.
You have a strong protective instinct to guard your living territory and have a strong sense of camaraderie, taking good care of people whom you should protect. However, you are exclusive to outsiders who violate your territory and do not accept them easily.

You are sensitive to the feelings of others, and intuitively perceive what they think. Besides, as you are susceptible and have a delicate sensibility, you are always terrified that others might blame you.

You are sensitive and have a fragile personality, so you might go into deep thought about what someone said to you casually. To hide it, you may deliberately pretend to be cold.

You are obliging, and always willing to help people. If you are a woman, you have a strong maternal instinct, and will be a good mother to take care of your family.

You have a strict and conservative atmosphere and a realistic mindset. Additionally, you have traditional morals and values.

You have intense emotions such as jealousy or sexual desire inside of your heart. However, you try to play an indifferent and cold character, suppressing those feelings to keep them a secret. Therefore, it is important for you to find a proper way to express your emotions.

You have an affectionate and elegant personality.

You know how to utilize your energy effectively, and always tackle things with a positive attitude.

You like intellectual life and are mentally agile and sensible of others or the events of your daily life in detail. Also, you are good at verbal and textual expressions and can communicate with others effectively.

You have an elegant and gentle personality, and even if you are a man, you might have a feminine appearance.

You can sublimate the inner drive into positive action and always strive towards your goals.

You are a serious and formal person.

You are lively and amiable and love to have fun.

You have great intelligence and a quick mind. Besides, you are a smooth talker and like to argue with someone. Therefore, you immediately build a plot and speak your opinion eloquently.

You speak your opinion with a confident air, but the expression might be exaggerated, or the content might be different from the fact. However, as you have a lot of nerve, you don't care about them too much.

You have a practical intellect useful for work and study and show your ability in business routines.

You have a talent for research and are suited for pursuing a particular field for a long time.

With your flashy and showy personality, you can dress in a nouveau riche style and bad taste.

As your free emotional expression is restricted, your suppressed personality can be developed.

Object of aspirations and interests ... The following section shows the object or tendency of what you want or want to be.
You have an intense feeling that you cannot hold on to yourself. When you feel betrayed by someone, you will be jealous and vengeful and will continue to hold a grudge. Meanwhile, you can make sound decisions, and have the energy to carry through what you have decided.

Love and marriage ... The following section shows the way you think about love and your view on marriage.
You are mothering type and approach your partner with homely and warm affection, devoting yourself to him/her, and waiting on him/her hand and foot. However, depending on your partner, he/she may feel that you are a bit meddling.

As you are sensible, you acutely read the partner's emotions. So you can get hurt deeply when the partner rejects you. As you fear it, it will probably be a long time before you date or marry someone.

You have a strong sexual desire.

The personality of your partner will strongly influence you after marriage, and your subsequent life will be greatly subject to him/her.

When you are a man and married, you will get together with a beautiful and good looking woman.

You have an atmosphere that attracts the opposite sex, and your romantic activities will be active. Besides, the relationship with the opposite sex will have an important meaning to you.

You have tricky fate concerning sexual matters, so you can have an extraordinarily large number of relationships with the opposite sex, or conversely, cannot be linked by fate to him/her at all.

You are unfaithful and tend to create problems in romantic relationships.

You are bland and express love modestly. However, you develop an affection based on a kind of obligation, and it will last long.

Physical traits ... The following section shows things that are related to the body such as innate physical constitution or characteristics.
You have a good memory and well remember the good old days. So, you like to talk about your experiences vividly and emotionally.

You are intelligent and have strong intellectual curiosity, skillfully dealing with all brain and manual work.

Whether you are a man or woman, you might have a feminine appearance.

You have a strong body and are very active.

You have a strong body and lots of energy and also have good athletic ability.

You tend to overeat, so it is necessary to pay attention to obesity and other lifestyle diseases.

Point of view or sense of value ... The following section shows what is usually important to you.
When you decide something, as you are influenced by your mood of that time or the atmosphere of the surrounding people, you tend to make emotional judgments that cannot be objective.

You have a sensibility to the feelings of others and the ability to see through the heart of them. Besides, you have a delicate heart and are vulnerable and a worrier.

You have a chaotic perception between dreams and reality, so you can live a life which is always at the mercy of your romantic dreams and aspirations.

You are easygoing and have an optimistic viewpoint without reality. Besides, you expect results with no effort and always conveniently appreciate yourself.

You have a wealth of knowledge and ideas. However, you tend to be overly optimistic about the world and often overlook many details. Therefore, they can be a trigger of failure.

You are a patient, steady hard worker.

Human relationships ... The following section shows how you interact with people around you and build relationships with them.
You are dominant to others and automatically give influence to them.

You have a longing for power and try to control others and to exert your influence over them, so you are suitable for the management position.

As you tend to stick to specific ways of thinking and lack flexible mind-set, you can be isolated from surrounding relationships.

As you are good at dealing with people and gain the trust of your superior, you will be entrusted with responsible positions.

You should be careful because you have a strong sympathy for others, and they could use you.

You have sociability and don't like friction with people around you.

You have popular and love luck and can easily get support especially from women.

You have an amiable and friendly atmosphere but are a person who hates to lose.

You play an important role in organizations.

You think much of conventions and your public images, so you are liked by seniors.

You are inflexible and prone to friction with people around you.

How you interact with society ... The following section shows what you tend to do in society in general.
You have a deep attachment to organizations to which you belong such as homes and companies but also regions and nations. Besides, you contribute well to them, respecting tradition and customs there.

You are very loyal to your family and the organization to which you belong.

You often hold a prominent position and will deal with things positively and responsibly.

Relationships with your family ... The following section shows the way you build relationships with your family.
You feel the best comfort and happiness when you are with your family and close friends.

How you solve problems ... The following section shows how you overcome problems when you face them.
You have ambition in your heart. Therefore, to achieve the goal, even if it is a tough road, it does not matter to you, and you will overcome the problem steadily with high practical skills and sound methods.

You struggle with issues seriously and tenaciously, even if it is more than your ability, so your efforts will bear fruit in later years.

Job and work ... The following section shows your strengths and weaknesses when you work.
You are independent-minded, always seeking leadership positions, and having courage and decisiveness. So you are easy to succeed in business earlier in life.

If you are running a business, you might be at risk of causing bankruptcy by excessive investments due to your overly optimistic decisions.

You can start a business beyond your ability.

You can adapt to the changeable environment where the substance of work varies every day.

In your business, you will approach them with speedy judgments and courageous determination.

You have a strong sense of responsibility and will steadily fulfill your assigned responsibilities. Especially, you are useful in clear hierarchical organizations. Besides, you show excellent ability in practical work and will patiently accomplish it to the end, even if it is laborious work.

You can handle your work quickly and have a good understanding of science and technology or mechanical engineering.

You can handle your work accurately and efficiently, but it is unreasonable to ask creativity to you.

Money and fortune ... The following section shows how you deal with money and whether it is easy for you to save or waste.
As you cannot repress your desires, when you have something you want, you cannot control that feeling and waste money in vain.

You are good at dealing with money and may live a financially blessed life.

You have expensive hobbies and tend to waste money on them.

You handle and manage money prudently, so you could show your ability in accounting.

Artistic sense ... The following section shows your artistic sensibility.
You are rich in creativity and have a keen sensibility, so you can make use of your talents in artistic fields.

You like beautiful things and have a talent for art and music.

You are highly interested in beauty and also have an artistic sense.

Hobbies and preferences ... The following section shows your hobbies and things that you usually want to do.
You may escape to alcohol and other substances in return for fulfilling your dreams.

You love beauty and art and seek a luxurious and elegant lifestyle. However, you must be careful not to be completely satisfied and immersed in that life.

You enjoy conversation and are interested in art and music.

Cautions ... The following section shows things that you should keep in mind in your life.
There is no element in this category.

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