Synastry Astrology
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Synastry Astrology - Birth Data
  • Notes on using the following astrogical reading
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The following results are calculated by the waves of the planets recorded on the bodies of two people at the moments of their birth. Depending on whether the waves have tendencies to attract or repel, they are divided into: Very good luck, Good luck, A little luck, A little misfortune, Misfortune and Great misfortune.

You might think it's strange that both Good luck and Misfortune are listed simultaneously, but just like the screen of your PC or smartphone you're looking at now displays different colors created from a combination of completely different colored dots of red, green, and blue, the waves that produces chemistry between the two people are made from a complex combination of different kinds of Good luck and Misfortune.

Besides, when both Good luck and Misfortune are listed together, both interplay between the two people instead of neutralizing them to zero.

In order to derive overall relationship between the two people from the following items, it is important to read all the items over and over and derive intuitive results from them.
  • Love Luck
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The following are a description of the feelings that develop between the two people, mainly in the early stages of their relationship. Shortly after they met, they feel these following emotions are dominant and universal. However, as years go by after they met, the following "Relationship of Trust" and "Fatal and Karmic Relationship" become more dominant.
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  • Communication
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The following section shows whether the two people can communicate freely with each other, including whether one easily understands what the other is talking about, or whether they find their conversation fun or irritating.
Good luck ... There is a oneness between Brooke Burke's heart and David Charvet's mind.
There is a sense of unity between David Charvet's logical thinking and Brooke Burke's feelings. So David Charvet can logically recognize Brooke Burke's thought and can explain it systematically. Meanwhile, Brooke Burke can intuitively perceive David Charvet's logical ways of thinking. They can share their interests and recognizes the other person as interesting people. Although the conversation between the two people are smooth and accurate, they can exchange their concepts without so many words.

Good luck ... There is a oneness between David Charvet's heart and Brooke Burke's mind.
There is a sense of unity between Brooke Burke's logical thinking and David Charvet's feelings. So Brooke Burke can logically recognize David Charvet's thought and can explain it systematically. Meanwhile, David Charvet can intuitively perceive Brooke Burke's logical ways of thinking. They can share their interests and recognizes the other person as interesting people. Although the conversation between the two people are smooth and accurate, they can exchange their concepts without so many words.

A little misfortune ... Brooke Burke one-sidedly assumes David Charvet has a romantic interest
Two people are in a state that Brooke Burke cannot fathom what David Charvet imagines, and that David Charvet also cannot read Brooke Burke's mind. Brooke Burke may actively approach David Charvet, having an illusion that David Charvet has a romantic and sexual interest in Brooke Burke, In response, David Charvet may feel good about those Brooke Burke's attitudes and may positively treat Brooke Burke.

Misfortune ... Pedantic Brooke Burke and headstrong David Charvet make intellectual arguments
David Charvet senses that Brooke Burke is pedantic and lacking common sense and that Brooke Burke is always proud of frivolous misguided shallow knowledge. On the other hand, Brooke Burke feels David Charvet selfish, proud, headstrong, inflexible person. Two people feel uncomfortable about the other person's trivial things and argues with dissent. So there is always conflict in this relationship.

  • Sexual Relationship
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Sexual compatibility is especially important in love and a marital relationship. This section examines the sexual compatibility of the two people and shows whether they are sexually attracted to each other or the relationship is one-sided.
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  • Cooperativeness
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The following section shows whether the two people can work together and can cooperatively lead their daily lives, and which one will play a leading role.
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  • Relationship of Trust
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The following section shows whether two people can trust each other or whether one person values what the other person plans and tries to do.
Very good luck ... Positive and uplifting feeling prevails in the relationship.
By touching David Charvet's warm and open heart, Brooke Burke is immersed in a positive and liberating feeling and can open him/herself up from worldly thoughts and constraints, praising David Charvet's generosity. When David Charvet is with Brooke Burke, Brooke Burke makes David Charvet feel an exaltation, even when feeling depressed and dull. By the resonance of these matters, the relationship will be happy and pleasant and filled with a sense of ease and security. Besides, They can talk openly about their thoughts without keeping secrets and build trust with one another as they are cooperative. However, there can be some excessive acts, but they don't matter to them.

Good luck ... David Charvet evokes essential changes in Brooke Burke's conscience.
David Charvet can inspire more profound insights and essential changes in Brooke Burke's conscience and philosophy, leading Brooke Burke into a new dimension and discovery of a new self. Meanwhile, Brooke Burke offers David Charvet positive direction and the ability to grow progressively by exerting Brooke Burke's conscience on David Charvet's unfocused energy deep in David Charvet's soul. They are resonating in the deep part of their humanity.

Misfortune ... Brooke Burke flatters, deceives and uses David Charvet.
Brooke Burke harbors selfish feelings toward David Charvet and uses David Charvet for Brooke Burke's convenience. Brooke Burke sees David Charvet as a person who has too much pride and is easily gullible and might flatter and deceive David Charvet or shift Brooke Burke's responsibility on David Charvet, so David Charvet might feel that David Charvet fell into Brooke Burke's trap. Meanwhile, David Charvet can selfishly act and respond to Brooke Burke with an exaggerated attitude. Those acts operate to decrease the trust between them. "Excess" is likely to occur in this relationship, so extravagant expenses could arise, or Brooke Burke might give David Charvet things that David Charvet doesn't want.

  • Fatal and Karmic Relationship
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The following section shows the difference in values between the two people that affects them years after they met and whether one person will suppress the other. These matters don't very much bother them right after they met, but they have huge effects as time passes. The relationship with many "Great misfortunes" in this section seems problematic related to the difference in values over time.
Good luck ... They exert transformative power to one another.
The intense emotions and energies which lead to profound changes in the human nature flowing under two people's unconscious are facing in the same direction and have similar qualities, so they resonate with one another deep in their soul and share their homogeneity unconsciously. As two people unconsciously approve and accept that each person makes changes the other person, when two people are together, they promote mutual changes, growing the other person's humanity through a lot of upheavals. As a result, both people can evolve more efficiently and deeply.

Good luck ... They assume one another to be a reliable partner.
There is a common perception of social responsibility and values between the two people, and these individuals can work toward a goal in a coordinated way. They assume one another a reliable partner and appreciate the other person's effort and patience. Over time, both people strengthen a feeling of trust to one another and build a solid bond between them. This element brings about stability to long-lasting relationships like marital and business partnerships.

Misfortune ... Brooke Burke can't help but sees David Charvet as irresponsible.
Brooke Burke perceives David Charvet to be fancy, impractical and lacking social skills and encourages David Charvet to be a more responsible and valuable person. However, as Brooke Burke's ideas essentially differ from David Charvet's way of thinking, David Charvet thinks that David Charvet cannot carry through things in such a way that Brooke Burke recommends. On the other hand, David Charvet persuades Brooke Burke the importance of imagination, but as David Charvet's idea is fundamentally opposed to Brooke Burke's, Brooke Burke doesn't accept it. In this relationship, two people recognize the differences between their ways of thinking and the irritation that both people have no control over it.

Misfortune ... Brooke Burke dominates, manipulates, sways David Charvet's heart.
Brooke Burke is driven by a desire to dominate David Charvet's emotions, but the direction is different from that of expression of David Charvet's feelings, so David Charvet's heart is forced to be deformed into Brooke Burke's deepest desires, and that can bring about destructive results for David Charvet's heart. Brooke Burke understands David Charvet's psychological state very clearly and want to manipulate David Charvet's heart and to control David Charvet's emotions. This relationship enhances sexual attractiveness, and deep under the superficial appearance of Brooke Burke's approaches to David Charvet, a device is built to manipulate David Charvet's unconscious emotions at Brooke Burke's disposal, directly appealing to David Charvet's deep psyche. Especially when Brooke Burke feels sexual fascination and obsession with David Charvet, the implied sexual approaches, such as flipping back Brooke Burke's hair, are shown throughout Brooke Burke's action and try to appeal directly to David Charvet's libido. David Charvet may perceive intuitively and vaguely that Brooke Burke controls David Charvet, or may have a vague fear. However, David Charvet is drawn to Brooke Burke for some reason without a clear awareness and is manipulated like a puppet, falling into a state that nothing can be done. Brooke Burke only enjoys manipulating David Charvet but doesn't aim to lead David Charvet to happiness and welfare, so by getting deeply involved in Brooke Burke, David Charvet's heart may just be hurt and driven to ruin. However, those upheavals may bring about fundamental and structural changes of heart to David Charvet.

 Synastry Astrology - Birth Data Entry
  Fill in the blanks below.
Person1 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person1 : Date of birth     year
Person1 : Time of birth :  
Person1 : Place of birthFill in Person1's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person1's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.
Person2 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person2 : Date of birth     year
Person2 : Time of birth :  
Person2 : Place of birthFill in Person2's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person2's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.