Synastry Astrology
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Synastry Astrology - Birth Data
  • Notes on using the following astrogical reading
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The following results are calculated by the waves of the planets recorded on the bodies of two people at the moments of their birth. Depending on whether the waves have tendencies to attract or repel, they are divided into: Very good luck, Good luck, A little luck, A little misfortune, Misfortune and Great misfortune.

You might think it's strange that both Good luck and Misfortune are listed simultaneously, but just like the screen of your PC or smartphone you're looking at now displays different colors created from a combination of completely different colored dots of red, green, and blue, the waves that produces chemistry between the two people are made from a complex combination of different kinds of Good luck and Misfortune.

Besides, when both Good luck and Misfortune are listed together, both interplay between the two people instead of neutralizing them to zero.

In order to derive overall relationship between the two people from the following items, it is important to read all the items over and over and derive intuitive results from them.
  • Love Luck
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The following are a description of the feelings that develop between the two people, mainly in the early stages of their relationship. Shortly after they met, they feel these following emotions are dominant and universal. However, as years go by after they met, the following "Relationship of Trust" and "Fatal and Karmic Relationship" become more dominant.
There are no elements to display in this category.
  • Communication
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The following section shows whether the two people can communicate freely with each other, including whether one easily understands what the other is talking about, or whether they find their conversation fun or irritating.
Good luck ... Wrapped in an innovative atmosphere, enjoying creative conversation
Robb Derringer perceives that Carrie Ann Inaba is a mentally agile, intellectual, talkative person and that Carrie Ann Inaba achieves given tasks efficiently in a well-calculated manner. Meanwhile, Carrie Ann Inaba feels that Robb Derringer can develop a novel idea which is not a slave to convention but Robb Derringer is impulsive in action. This relationship is wrapped in an innovative and exciting atmosphere, and two people enjoy creative and intellectual conversation. Besides, Carrie Ann Inaba makes Robb Derringer's creative idea more practical and reasonable and can explain them verbally and logically.

Misfortune ... Pedantic Robb Derringer and headstrong Carrie Ann Inaba make intellectual arguments
Carrie Ann Inaba senses that Robb Derringer is pedantic and lacking common sense and that Robb Derringer is always proud of frivolous misguided shallow knowledge. On the other hand, Robb Derringer feels Carrie Ann Inaba selfish, proud, headstrong, inflexible person. Two people feel antipathy to and dispute one another's reasoning, making an intellectual arguments.

Misfortune ... Pedantic Carrie Ann Inaba and headstrong Robb Derringer make intellectual arguments
Robb Derringer senses that Carrie Ann Inaba is pedantic and lacking common sense and that Carrie Ann Inaba is always proud of frivolous misguided shallow knowledge. On the other hand, Carrie Ann Inaba feels Robb Derringer selfish, proud, headstrong, inflexible person. Two people feel antipathy to and dispute one another's reasoning, making an intellectual arguments.

Great misfortune ... Their way of thinking is the polar opposite, so they dispute frequently.
Two people's intellects and thoughts are facing the opposite direction, and their fundamental ways of thinking are opposed to one another. When they are talking with the other person, they always feel that their thought and way of perceiving things are different from one another, and then adverse opinions against the other person's occur to both people one after another, so they may have frequent quarrels. As their fundamental ways of thinking conflict, two people come to recognize that they are incompatible with one another. Over time, they are disgusted with the other person, and their mind can be separated from one another. Eventually, this relationship might collapse.

  • Sexual Relationship
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Sexual compatibility is especially important in love and a marital relationship. This section examines the sexual compatibility of the two people and shows whether they are sexually attracted to each other or the relationship is one-sided.
A little misfortune ... Active Carrie Ann Inaba vs. inactive Robb Derringer
Carrie Ann Inaba, who intend to lead the relationship, perceives Robb Derringer as inactive and gets irritated by Robb Derringer. On the other hand, Robb Derringer increasingly frustrated with Carrie Ann Inaba's strong self-assertiveness and selfishness. Though each person is drawn to the other person by strong sexual magnetism, there is no small amount of repulsive force between them, so this element doesn't at least contribute to developing the relationship.

  • Cooperativeness
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The following section shows whether the two people can work together and can cooperatively lead their daily lives, and which one will play a leading role.
A little misfortune ... Do opposites attract?
The two people are strongly attracted to one another and can rapidly fall in love. However, each person's way of dealing with things and their essential human natures are facing in the opposite direction. So each person's evaluation of the other person will vary due to whether they are considered to be a meaningful or a wrong way. When each person recognizes them positively, they praise one another as a complementary being that covers one another's shortcomings. Conversely, when both people perceive them negatively, they assume that the other person goes the wrong way to solving problems entirely, so there might be a conflict of opinions and constant bickerings. As they tend to be selfish to one another, to keep a good relationship, they have to learn to find a middle ground, moderating one another's assertiveness.

  • Relationship of Trust
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The following section shows whether two people can trust each other or whether one person values what the other person plans and tries to do.
Good luck ... Carrie Ann Inaba restrains Robb Derringer's expansive nature
This relationship has a complementary and give-and-take characteristic that Carrie Ann Inaba imposes a certain degree of restraint on Robb Derringer's expansive nature. Especially in business relationships, when Robb Derringer develops overly-expanded plans, Carrie Ann Inaba plays a role of making modifications to more realistic and concrete ways. Meanwhile, In married couples, when Carrie Ann Inaba holds a household budget, Carrie Ann Inaba can minimize wasted money, and bring about solidity to the financial situation. Besides, Robb Derringer tends to give gifts such as money and goods to Carrie Ann Inaba. This element has a good impact on lasting relationships, such as married couples or business partners.

  • Fatal and Karmic Relationship
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The following section shows the difference in values between the two people that affects them years after they met and whether one person will suppress the other. These matters don't very much bother them right after they met, but they have huge effects as time passes. The relationship with many "Great misfortunes" in this section seems problematic related to the difference in values over time.
Good luck ... Robb Derringer induces a fundamental change in Carrie Ann Inaba's intellect.
By being with Robb Derringer, Carrie Ann Inaba's logical intelligence is stimulated, and Carrie Ann Inaba's talking ability based on shallow and superficial thinking is accelerated. On the other hand, Robb Derringer probe the source which causes Carrie Ann Inaba's thought, exercising power to fundamentally transform Carrie Ann Inaba's way of thinking, and transferring Carrie Ann Inaba to a new level of intelligence. Besides, Carrie Ann Inaba logically explains the deep unconscious drive that Robb Derringer bears, and Robb Derringer can recognize it objectively.

Good luck ... Carrie Ann Inaba fundamentally restructures Robb Derringer's innovativeness.
Carrie Ann Inaba feels that Robb Derringer's self-satisfying character regarding innovative creativity and respect for freedom are so idealistic that they have to be fundamentally restructured. So Carrie Ann Inaba acts on Robb Derringer with transformative energy that springs from the depths of Carrie Ann Inaba's soul, revolutionizing the basis of Robb Derringer's spirit of idealism, and reconstructing what is needed for Robb Derringer to progress into the future. Their change is associated with great disturbance, and Robb Derringer will realize a new concept different from the way that Robb Derringer has been assumed so far. So an essential change is likely to occur to Robb Derringer.

Good luck ... Robb Derringer bring about positive transformation to Carrie Ann Inaba.
Two people are fatefully drawn to one another and belong to the same organization. Then, both person try to actively lead the relationship. Besides, they are fascinated with one another with sexual attractiveness. Both people have a good impression of the other person, and when Carrie Ann Inaba is with Robb Derringer, Robb Derringer can cause a positive and structural transformation to Carrie Ann Inaba's self-initiative and lifestyle and may make Carrie Ann Inaba more confident and improve Carrie Ann Inaba's social status.

Great misfortune ... Carrie Ann Inaba is like Robb Derringer's slave or servant and never seen as full-fledged.
Carrie Ann Inaba's self-expression disharmonizes Robb Derringer's sense of value. However, in the beginning, Carrie Ann Inaba will be drawn by Robb Derringer's steady and sound atmosphere for some reason. Carrie Ann Inaba senses Robb Derringer as a coercive, controlling, authoritarian father figure. Besides, Robb Derringer will self-righteously impose Robb Derringer's conservative values on Carrie Ann Inaba, forcing Carrie Ann Inaba to act in line with Southern's inflexible ideas, setting Carrie Ann Inaba to a task which Carrie Ann Inaba is not willing to accept, and even making a sarcastic and taunting behavior to Carrie Ann Inaba. Carrie Ann Inaba may feel that Carrie Ann Inaba's self-initiative is blocked and that Carrie Ann Inaba's motivation is dampened, so Carrie Ann Inaba will be increasingly frustrated and irritated of Robb Derringer's cold inflexibility which sees Carrie Ann Inaba's behaviors only critically. This relationship is not pleasant and satisfying but can be a karmic involvement which is meant to be imposed on them so that they born to compensate their past karmas in this world. Through this relationship, each person will learn many things. If each person involved in this relationship consistently sticks to this union, Carrie Ann Inaba has to remain like a slave or servant and also a martyr for this pathetic involvement and may never be considered as a full-fledged person by the harsh master.

Great misfortune ... Intimidating Carrie Ann Inaba emotionally damages Robb Derringer.
Robb Derringer's feelings and emotions disharmonize Carrie Ann Inaba's sense of values. Carrie Ann Inaba senses that Robb Derringer's expression of feeling is superficial and flippant and that Robb Derringer has a shallow-minded and immature personality that should be properly directed by Carrie Ann Inaba's solid sensibleness. Besides, Carrie Ann Inaba behaves as Robb Derringer's superior being, imposing Carrie Ann Inaba's conservative values on Robb Derringer, suppressing and tensing Robb Derringer's feelings and emotions. Meanwhile, Robb Derringer feels Carrie Ann Inaba coercive and intimidating as a stern father figure. The harder Carrie Ann Inaba emotionally and relentlessly aggresses Robb Derringer the worse Robb Derringer psychologically damages, and Robb Derringer will increasingly feel depressed and frustrated by Carrie Ann Inaba's sternness. This element tends to bring about a feeling of bitterness and to prevent the union from lasting, so the person who has this element should be avoided if possible.

 Synastry Astrology - Birth Data Entry
  Fill in the blanks below.
Person1 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person1 : Date of birth     year
Person1 : Time of birth :  
Person1 : Place of birthFill in Person1's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person1's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.
Person2 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person2 : Date of birth     year
Person2 : Time of birth :  
Person2 : Place of birthFill in Person2's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person2's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.