Synastry Astrology
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Synastry Astrology - Birth Data
  • Notes on using the following astrogical reading
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The following results are calculated by the waves of the planets recorded on the bodies of two people at the moments of their birth. Depending on whether the waves have tendencies to attract or repel, they are divided into: Very good luck, Good luck, A little luck, A little misfortune, Misfortune and Great misfortune.

You might think it's strange that both Good luck and Misfortune are listed simultaneously, but just like the screen of your PC or smartphone you're looking at now displays different colors created from a combination of completely different colored dots of red, green, and blue, the waves that produces chemistry between the two people are made from a complex combination of different kinds of Good luck and Misfortune.

Besides, when both Good luck and Misfortune are listed together, both interplay between the two people instead of neutralizing them to zero.

In order to derive overall relationship between the two people from the following items, it is important to read all the items over and over and derive intuitive results from them.
  • Love Luck
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The following are a description of the feelings that develop between the two people, mainly in the early stages of their relationship. Shortly after they met, they feel these following emotions are dominant and universal. However, as years go by after they met, the following "Relationship of Trust" and "Fatal and Karmic Relationship" become more dominant.
Good luck ... Linked by universal love
This relationship is filled with a warm atmosphere of caring for the partner and is linked by a universal love rather than a sexual attraction. They respect one another, having an emotional rapport and a feeling that each person likes the other person, and being willing to please others. Diane Kruger adopts an open-minded attitude to Joshua Jackson, and Joshua Jackson accepts it with affection. This relationship will be happy and enjoyable, bringing wealth and prosperity, and often found among married couples. Besides, Diane Kruger tends to give Joshua Jackson some gifts frequently.

Good luck ... Were they born to marry the partner?
Two people are linked by ties of warm compassion and affection and have a friendly, relationship in which they can understand one another. Both people are happy only to be together with the other person and can spend quality time. Diane Kruger finds beauty in Joshua Jackson, recognizing Joshua Jackson as an ideal companion, and accepting Joshua Jackson cordially and tolerantly. Meanwhile, Joshua Jackson expresses gentleness and affection to Diane Kruger and will spare no effort to please Diane Kruger. Both people feel the other person as a special and ideal companion, so they inspire an idea that "they were born to marry the other person," and they find the values in the other person which is not noticed to others. Besides, this element is often found among lovers and married couples, bringing wealth and satisfaction to the relationships.

Good luck ... Joshua Jackson perceives Diane Kruger an intelligent and lovely person.
Joshua Jackson feels that Diane Kruger is an intelligent and lovely person but a little reserved and appreciates Diane Kruger for Diane Kruger's ability to work logical intelligence. Diane Kruger is glad and encouraged about it and will actively exert Diane Kruger's knowledge, trying to be useful for Joshua Jackson. As there is a smooth flow of one another's minds, both people can understand one another's thoughts without too many words to convey their intentions.

  • Communication
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The following section shows whether the two people can communicate freely with each other, including whether one easily understands what the other is talking about, or whether they find their conversation fun or irritating.
Good luck ... An exhilarating and exciting relationship
Diane Kruger feels that Joshua Jackson is novel and unusual and that Joshua Jackson solves problems in an unconventional way, and Diane Kruger praises those Joshua Jackson's ability. When Diane Kruger is with Joshua Jackson, the invisible wall could be removed to establish an open and friendly relationship. Meanwhile, Joshua Jackson wants to know about Diane Kruger, so Joshua Jackson actively talks to Diane Kruger and asks many questions about Diane Kruger. The relationship is wrapped in a fresh and exhilarating atmosphere, and two people spend exciting days. However, the initial exhilaration fades away as time passes.

  • Sexual Relationship
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Sexual compatibility is especially important in love and a marital relationship. This section examines the sexual compatibility of the two people and shows whether they are sexually attracted to each other or the relationship is one-sided.
There are no elements to display in this category.
  • Cooperativeness
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The following section shows whether the two people can work together and can cooperatively lead their daily lives, and which one will play a leading role.
There are no elements to display in this category.
  • Relationship of Trust
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The following section shows whether two people can trust each other or whether one person values what the other person plans and tries to do.
Very good luck ... Positive and uplifting feeling prevails in the relationship.
By touching Joshua Jackson's warm and open heart, Diane Kruger is immersed in a positive and liberating feeling and can open him/herself up from worldly thoughts and constraints, praising Joshua Jackson's generosity. When Joshua Jackson is with Diane Kruger, Diane Kruger makes Joshua Jackson feel an exaltation, even when feeling depressed and dull. By the resonance of these matters, the relationship will be happy and pleasant and filled with a sense of ease and security. Besides, They can talk openly about their thoughts without keeping secrets and build trust with one another as they are cooperative. However, there can be some excessive acts, but they don't matter to them.

A little misfortune ... Cannot convey sincerity to one another
Joshua Jackson tries to offer spiritual and material aid for Diane Kruger, but Diane Kruger doesn't understand why Joshua Jackson does that and doesn't feel gratitude for Joshua Jackson. On the other hand, Diane Kruger acts high ideal and spirituality on Joshua Jackson's conscience and expansivity and tries to take Joshua Jackson to further height, but Joshua Jackson doesn't show any particular reaction. Both people can be disappointed in this regard, but this element is so abstract and subtle that both people may not even be aware of the other person's intents.

Misfortune ... Joshua Jackson denies Diane Kruger's policies
Joshua Jackson always totally denies based on Joshua Jackson's conservative values what Diane Kruger positively plans and promotes grounded in Diane Kruger's moral or philosophical way of thinking. However, what each person believes is different in direction, and their policies and values don't match. Joshua Jackson thinks Diane Kruger as overly optimistic, unwise and flashy, and on the contrary, Diane Kruger sees Joshua Jackson as unduly pessimistic and serious. If each person can recognize the other person's faults and individuality as differences between one another, he/she can apply it to his/her human growth.

Misfortune ... Diane Kruger makes a big fuss with an arrogant attitude.
The way of expression of Joshua Jackson's emotions and the policy of Diane Kruger's planning are facing discordant directions. Even if Joshua Jackson tries to do Diane Kruger a favor or relies on Diane Kruger, Diane Kruger doesn't positively evaluate Joshua Jackson's intentions and rarely meets Joshua Jackson's expectations. Joshua Jackson feels that Diane Kruger is too big for Diane Kruger's britches and that taking a bossy attitude and unconsciously tends to act to try Diane Kruger's patience. When Diane Kruger is with Joshua Jackson, Diane Kruger somehow becomes irritated and gets sick and is easy to offend with Joshua Jackson's trivial matters. Once Diane Kruger gets angry, Diane Kruger will make a big fuss with an arrogant attitude and will blame Joshua Jackson's behaviors which goes against Diane Kruger's grain.

Misfortune ... Experience discomfort towards one another's approach for change.
Diane Kruger's energy to invoke changes in the deep part of Diane Kruger's soul tries to transform Joshua Jackson's young and immature conscience. In response, Joshua Jackson feels difference in direction about it and refuses to accept the changes that Diane Kruger inspires. On the other hand, in light of Joshua Jackson's conscience and philosophy, Joshua Jackson tries to progressively direct Diane Kruger's unfocused energy deep in Diane Kruger's heart. However, Diane Kruger also feels the difference in direction, and firmly refuse Joshua Jackson's proposal. They will become aware of the disharmony inherent in the relationship.

  • Fatal and Karmic Relationship
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The following section shows the difference in values between the two people that affects them years after they met and whether one person will suppress the other. These matters don't very much bother them right after they met, but they have huge effects as time passes. The relationship with many "Great misfortunes" in this section seems problematic related to the difference in values over time.
There are no elements to display in this category.
 Synastry Astrology - Birth Data Entry
  Fill in the blanks below.
Person1 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person1 : Date of birth     year
Person1 : Time of birth :  
Person1 : Place of birthFill in Person1's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person1's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.
Person2 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person2 : Date of birth     year
Person2 : Time of birth :  
Person2 : Place of birthFill in Person2's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person2's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.