Synastry Astrology
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Synastry Astrology - Birth Data
  • Notes on using the following astrogical reading
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The following results are calculated by the waves of the planets recorded on the bodies of two people at the moments of their birth. Depending on whether the waves have tendencies to attract or repel, they are divided into: Very good luck, Good luck, A little luck, A little misfortune, Misfortune and Great misfortune.

You might think it's strange that both Good luck and Misfortune are listed simultaneously, but just like the screen of your PC or smartphone you're looking at now displays different colors created from a combination of completely different colored dots of red, green, and blue, the waves that produces chemistry between the two people are made from a complex combination of different kinds of Good luck and Misfortune.

Besides, when both Good luck and Misfortune are listed together, both interplay between the two people instead of neutralizing them to zero.

In order to derive overall relationship between the two people from the following items, it is important to read all the items over and over and derive intuitive results from them.
  • Love Luck
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The following are a description of the feelings that develop between the two people, mainly in the early stages of their relationship. Shortly after they met, they feel these following emotions are dominant and universal. However, as years go by after they met, the following "Relationship of Trust" and "Fatal and Karmic Relationship" become more dominant.
Very good luck ... John Cena falls head over heels in love at first sight with Nikki Bella.
When John Cena meets Nikki Bella at first, John Cena will magnetically fall head over heels in love at first sight with Nikki Bella. John Cena gets a feeling of being special with Nikki Bella who is an ideal personification of John Cena's love interest, and this relationship will be associated with a strong sexual desire. Then their enthusiasm reaches a peak temporarily, and they heighten feelings for happy married life. This can also be an element which triggers marriage and which is frequently seen in the chart of married couples. There is a sense of exaltation and freedom in this relationship, but John Cena perceives Nikki Bella a free-thinking person but also lacking stability, which may not satisfy John Cena who wants love and togetherness from this romantic relationship. On the other hand, Nikki Bella feels John Cena's attachment somewhat clingy and stifling. As this relationship have a "Hot love is soon cold" nature, the two people's romantic feeling decreases as time passes, and this element has little potential to last the relationship for a long time.

  • Communication
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The following section shows whether the two people can communicate freely with each other, including whether one easily understands what the other is talking about, or whether they find their conversation fun or irritating.
Misfortune ... They cannot recognize one another's idea or imagination.
Nikki Bella's mind and John Cena's imagination are conflicting. So John Cena cannot recognize what feelings Nikki Bella is holding and how Nikki Bella's emotion changes, even if John Cena works John Cena's imagination to the fullest extent. Meanwhile, Nikki Bella cannot understand what John Cena imagines and might suppose it in the wrong way that John Cena hates Nikki Bella, or that John Cena is saying bad things about Nikki Bella. Besides, John Cena tends to act to deceive Nikki Bella unconsciously. As there is no smooth communion between them, it may be difficult for them to build a trusting relationship.

Misfortune ... They cannot recognize one another's idea or imagination.
John Cena's mind and Nikki Bella's imagination are conflicting. So Nikki Bella cannot recognize what feelings John Cena is holding and how John Cena's emotion changes, even if Nikki Bella works Nikki Bella's imagination to the fullest extent. Meanwhile, John Cena cannot understand what Nikki Bella imagines and might suppose it in the wrong way that Nikki Bella hates John Cena, or that Nikki Bella is saying bad things about John Cena. Besides, Nikki Bella tends to act to deceive John Cena unconsciously. As there is no smooth communion between them, it may be difficult for them to build a trusting relationship.

  • Sexual Relationship
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Sexual compatibility is especially important in love and a marital relationship. This section examines the sexual compatibility of the two people and shows whether they are sexually attracted to each other or the relationship is one-sided.
Very good luck ... Drawn by irresistible sexual attraction
Between the two people, there is strong sexual chemistry, and they are almost irresistibly drawn together and magnetically attracted to one another, especially, Nikki Bella feels a strong physical attraction to John Cena. The partner's sexual attraction is intense, irresistible and beyond their control, almost paralyzes their pleasure centers in their brains, and their affairs is memorized so deeply in their minds and never be forgotten for long periods. As John Cena have intense feelings of jealousy and possessiveness for Nikki Bella at the deepest subconscious level, John Cena compels Nikki Bella's attention and romantic interest obsessively and compulsively and wants to control and manipulate Nikki Bella as John Cena wants, exerting repressive influence for dominance. Due to intense sexuality and obsessiveness of this relationship, the people involved in this relationship may not be able to get out of there easily.

  • Cooperativeness
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The following section shows whether the two people can work together and can cooperatively lead their daily lives, and which one will play a leading role.
Very good luck ... A lively relationship in which they inspire one another physically and mentally
Both people feel the other person very physically appealing, but Nikki Bella is particularly attracted to John Cena. John Cena also notices Nikki Bella's romantic interest in John Cena. So this can naturally develop into a physical relationship. This element is good for marriage and often seen in married couples' chart, and they are easy to be blessed with children. John Cena actively leads the relationship, and Nikki Bella positively responds to it. By stimulating one another's competitiveness, this relationship becomes physically and mentally inspiring. So this union is best suited for areas where an activeness is required or as a companion for sports.

Good luck ... The relationship has a positive, energetic, exhilarating atmosphere.
This relationship has a positive, energetic, exhilarating atmosphere, and both people is friendly as if they were close friends from childhood. Nikki Bella feels that John Cena is generous and tolerant. At the same time, John Cena feels Nikki Bella as a bundle of energy, accepting Nikki Bella's everything positively including Nikki Bella's defects, and John Cena wants to guide Nikki Bella with John Cena's wisdom, delighted as Nikki Bella grows in line with that idea. John Cena teaches and supports various things to Nikki Bella, but that can also be done by money. However, Nikki Bella might capitalize on and utilize the John Cena's kindness. In this relationship, they open their hearts, don't keep secrets, don't lie, be candid, and express their thoughts directly, so they become cooperative and trustworthy companions.

Misfortune ... Love and hate relationship
Between two people, emotional entanglements which stem from selfish desire will occur. Both people aggress one another to satisfy his/her own desire and may develop emotional conflicts in the relationship. John Cena perceives Nikki Bella to be assertive, dominating and rough-mannered, and Nikki Bella's behavior seems to be too intense and excessive for John Cena, while John Cena will be demanding and emotional for Nikki Bella. The two people tend to act on impulse, and the relationship can be filled with enmity and even violence, which prevent a lasting relationship. Though each person feels the other person to be physically attractive, they will need lots of effort and patience for the relationship to last.

Misfortune ... Nikki Bella feels John Cena's aggressive approach to be tired.
John Cena feels Nikki Bella seduce John Cena. So, John Cena aggressively approaches with Nikki Bella, but Nikki Bella feels John Cena's aggressiveness as only a bother, replying to John Cena half-heartedly, and being sick and tired. John Cena feels like Nikki Bella as an illusion, which cannot be captured no matter how far John Cena follows. Furthermore, both people might have a sense that they cannot understand the other person's thoughts, and that their minds are separated from one another.

  • Relationship of Trust
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The following section shows whether two people can trust each other or whether one person values what the other person plans and tries to do.
Good luck ... Nikki Bella further develops John Cena's dreams and imagination.
The two people are connected with an intuitive empathy, and there is a positive, gentle, hopeful atmosphere in this relationship. Nikki Bella is generous and warm to John Cena, and also is mentally and materially supportive of John Cena which can be done financially. Meanwhile, John Cena tries to exert high ideal and spirituality on Nikki Bella's conscience. By adding John Cena's rich imagination to Nikki Bella's expansive nature, the two people can achieve spiritual and material happiness in their lives, so they are connected by a relationship of trust.

Misfortune ... John Cena flatters, deceives and uses Nikki Bella.
John Cena harbors selfish feelings toward Nikki Bella and uses Nikki Bella for John Cena's convenience. John Cena sees Nikki Bella as a person who has too much pride and is easily gullible and might flatter and deceive Nikki Bella or shift John Cena's responsibility on Nikki Bella, so Nikki Bella might feel that Nikki Bella fell into John Cena's trap. Meanwhile, Nikki Bella can selfishly act and respond to John Cena with an exaggerated attitude. Those acts operate to decrease the trust between them. "Excess" is likely to occur in this relationship, so extravagant expenses could arise, or John Cena might give Nikki Bella things that Nikki Bella doesn't want.

  • Fatal and Karmic Relationship
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The following section shows the difference in values between the two people that affects them years after they met and whether one person will suppress the other. These matters don't very much bother them right after they met, but they have huge effects as time passes. The relationship with many "Great misfortunes" in this section seems problematic related to the difference in values over time.
Good luck ... Nikki Bella brings about the right change in John Cena's heart.
Nikki Bella's deep desire, which the two people don't become aware of, is in harmony with John Cena's emotion. Nikki Bella can understand John Cena's feelings very clearly and bring about a good change in John Cena's heart when John Cena is depressed or in a bad mood. Meanwhile, John Cena may be in a good mood by being with Nikki Bella and can fall into a dependency, feeling pleasure in the domination of Nikki Bella. On the other hand, when Nikki Bella doesn't care about John Cena or Nikki Bella's object of interest moves to a person other than John Cena, John Cena may feel jealous and become cranky and frustrated.

Good luck ... Good blending of Nikki Bella's conservativeness and John Cena's innovativeness
Nikki Bella is completely broken Nikki Bella's conventional values, which Nikki Bella has consistently believed to be true, by John Cena's open-mindedness, and Nikki Bella's view is freed toward a more liberal way of thinking lead by John Cena. On the other hand, Nikki Bella makes John Cena's whimsical and unsettling qualities more stable, providing practical wisdom which has concreteness and reality, to make use of John Cena's innovative ideas into practical activities. In this element, different notions run into one another and bring about many of the changes in a rough manner, that leads two individual's way of thinking into a new realm.

Good luck ... John Cena makes Nikki Bella think more sensibly.
John Cena always behaves as if John Cena were a superior being like a father figure to Nikki Bella. Besides, John Cena tries to lead mercury by restricting Nikki Bella's way of thinking to make Nikki Bella, who only wields shallow knowledge and speaks trivial things fluently, become a respectable and steady person with structure accompanied by common sense along with John Cena's conservative values. Meanwhile, Nikki Bella feels a sense of intimidation and oppression to such John Cena's guidance. However, by taking John Cena's constraints positively and analytically, and applying it to Nikki Bella's intelligence, Nikki Bella can sense that Nikki Bella gains a more stable and thoughtful way of thinking. Besides, Nikki Bella works on John Cena's rigid and inflexible nature to have lighter and more flexible views.

Good luck ... Good blending of John Cena's conservativeness and Nikki Bella's innovativeness
John Cena is completely broken John Cena's conventional values, which John Cena has consistently believed to be true, by Nikki Bella's open-mindedness, and John Cena's view is freed toward a more liberal way of thinking lead by Nikki Bella. On the other hand, John Cena makes Nikki Bella's whimsical and unsettling qualities more stable, providing practical wisdom which has concreteness and reality, to make use of Nikki Bella's innovative ideas into practical activities. In this relationship, the different notions function one another harmoniously and bring about many of the changes, which leads two individual's way of thinking into a new realm.

Good luck ... John Cena induces a fundamental change in Nikki Bella's intellect.
By being with John Cena, Nikki Bella's logical intelligence is stimulated, and Nikki Bella's talking ability based on shallow and superficial thinking is accelerated. On the other hand, John Cena probe the source which causes Nikki Bella's thought, exercising power to fundamentally transform Nikki Bella's way of thinking, and transferring Nikki Bella to a new level of intelligence. Besides, Nikki Bella logically explains the deep unconscious drive that John Cena bears, and John Cena can recognize it objectively.

Good luck ... John Cena brings about the right change in Nikki Bella's heart.
John Cena's deep desire, which the two people don't become aware of, is in harmony with Nikki Bella's emotion. John Cena can understand Nikki Bella's feelings very clearly and bring about a good change in Nikki Bella's heart when Nikki Bella is depressed or in a bad mood. Meanwhile, Nikki Bella may be in a good mood by being with John Cena and can fall into a dependency, feeling pleasure in the domination of John Cena. On the other hand, when John Cena doesn't care about Nikki Bella or John Cena's object of interest moves to a person other than Nikki Bella, Nikki Bella may feel jealous and become cranky and frustrated.

Misfortune ... Nikki Bella tricks John Cena, John Cena fears and is cautious about Nikki Bella.
John Cena unconsciously and vaguely holds fear and vigilance to Nikki Bella that John Cena might be shot in the back because John Cena thinks John Cena might be shot in the back by Nikki Bella. Besides, John Cena harbors the feelings of hatred for Nikki Bella. On the other hand, Nikki Bella develops jealousy to John Cena, feeling John Cena's self-initiative to be self-centered. Besides, Nikki Bella unconsciously tricks John Cena and interfere with John Cena's responsible acts and steps to success. Two people could fatefully be drawn to one another and belong to the same organization. However, they have hostility and rivalry to the other person, tryint to get the dominant position than the other person. Besides, Nikki Bella might try to avoid John Cena. However, as both people can feel sexual attraction to the other person when romantic feelings are added in this involvement, they can lead to a love-hate relationship and tragic consequence.

Great misfortune ... One another's values are in disharmony, causing fierce discord.
Two people who have a discordant sense of value will be karmically drawn into this relationship, but at the early stage of the relationship development process, they may sense nothing about any problem of this relationship for a few years or more. However, both people have completely disharmonizing views about social responsibility, obligation and such, that will bring about fundamental friction to the relationship. As time passes, when they argue especially regarding values, both people persistently stick to their theories and never admit other person's opinions, asserting that the other person is saying a completely wrong idea, and condemning the difference of opinion between one person and the other vindictively. As each person try to put him/herself in the driver's seat of the relationship, both people will escalate the power struggle. Eventually, each person will go back to a stronger obsession with his/her theory. Over time, they will only widen the rift between two people and may break ties with one another even forever. So, it is difficult to establish long-lasting relationships like marriage and business partnerships between them.

 Synastry Astrology - Birth Data Entry
  Fill in the blanks below.
Person1 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person1 : Date of birth     year
Person1 : Time of birth :  
Person1 : Place of birthFill in Person1's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person1's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.
Person2 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person2 : Date of birth     year
Person2 : Time of birth :  
Person2 : Place of birthFill in Person2's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person2's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.