Synastry Astrology
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Synastry Astrology - Birth Data
  • Notes on using the following astrogical reading
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The following results are calculated by the waves of the planets recorded on the bodies of two people at the moments of their birth. Depending on whether the waves have tendencies to attract or repel, they are divided into: Very good luck, Good luck, A little luck, A little misfortune, Misfortune and Great misfortune.

You might think it's strange that both Good luck and Misfortune are listed simultaneously, but just like the screen of your PC or smartphone you're looking at now displays different colors created from a combination of completely different colored dots of red, green, and blue, the waves that produces chemistry between the two people are made from a complex combination of different kinds of Good luck and Misfortune.

Besides, when both Good luck and Misfortune are listed together, both interplay between the two people instead of neutralizing them to zero.

In order to derive overall relationship between the two people from the following items, it is important to read all the items over and over and derive intuitive results from them.
  • Love Luck
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The following are a description of the feelings that develop between the two people, mainly in the early stages of their relationship. Shortly after they met, they feel these following emotions are dominant and universal. However, as years go by after they met, the following "Relationship of Trust" and "Fatal and Karmic Relationship" become more dominant.
Good luck ... Were they born to marry the partner?
Two people are linked by ties of warm compassion and affection and have a friendly, relationship in which they can understand one another. Both people are happy only to be together with the other person and can spend quality time. Ben Simmons finds beauty in Kendall Jenner, recognizing Kendall Jenner as an ideal companion, and accepting Kendall Jenner cordially and tolerantly. Meanwhile, Kendall Jenner expresses gentleness and affection to Ben Simmons and will spare no effort to please Ben Simmons. Both people feel the other person as a special and ideal companion, so they inspire an idea that "they were born to marry the other person," and they find the values in the other person which is not noticed to others. Besides, this element is often found among lovers and married couples, bringing wealth and satisfaction to the relationships.

Misfortune ... Love that each person desires is different
For Ben Simmons, Kendall Jenner is the person who has a free and open personality. Ben Simmons expresses love towards Kendall Jenner, but Kendall Jenner, who loves freedom and justice, feels that Ben Simmons's love is so selfish and possessive that Ben Simmons always ties Kendall Jenner down, so Kendall Jenner will want to escape from it. On the other hand, Ben Simmons is not satisfied because the love that Kendall Jenner expresses to Ben Simmons is not a kind of love that Ben Simmons desires, but a sort of universal love for mankind. Gradually, both people will feel that the love that one another assumes have a contradictory nature. In this relationship, both people tend to act selfishly and are prone to wasting money. Besides, Kendall Jenner tends to give Ben Simmons some gifts which Ben Simmons doesn't want.

Great misfortune ... Expression of Ben Simmons's love is suppressed.
An expression of Ben Simmons's love and affection disharmonizes Kendall Jenner's sense of value. Ben Simmons senses Kendall Jenner being a coercive, stern, authoritative father figure and shows affection with respect towards Kendall Jenner. On the other hand, Kendall Jenner's conservative values doesn't appreciate Ben Simmons's pure-hearted affection as precious and valuable but shallow and childish, and Kendall Jenner may not treat Ben Simmons even as a love interest. Besides, Ben Simmons feels that Kendall Jenner is biting the hand that feeds Kendall Jenner and will increasingly be frustrated for Kendall Jenner's inflexibility. This relationship doesn't at least develop into or encourage a romance or marriage.

  • Communication
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The following section shows whether the two people can communicate freely with each other, including whether one easily understands what the other is talking about, or whether they find their conversation fun or irritating.
Good luck ... Ben Simmons wants to talk to Kendall Jenner endlessly.
Ben Simmons's intelligence is activated and kicked into high gear by being with Kendall Jenner, and Ben Simmons wants to talk to Kendall Jenner endlessly. As both people are interested in the subject of the conversation, they talk together losing track of time in it. Ben Simmons has fun to talk to Kendall Jenner, so more and more interesting topics will occur to Ben Simmons. Meanwhile, when Kendall Jenner is talking with Ben Simmons, Kendall Jenner feels uplifting and exciting. Kendall Jenner's conversation is full of dynamism, and with Ben Simmons, Kendall Jenner can verbalize smoothly even subtle feelings that cannot be expressed in words with other people.

Good luck ... Kendall Jenner wants to talk to Ben Simmons endlessly.
Kendall Jenner's intelligence is activated and kicked into high gear by being with Ben Simmons, and Kendall Jenner wants to talk to Ben Simmons endlessly. As both people are interested in the subject of the conversation, they talk together losing track of time in it. Kendall Jenner has fun to talk to Ben Simmons, so more and more interesting topics will occur to Kendall Jenner. Meanwhile, when Ben Simmons is talking with Kendall Jenner, Ben Simmons feels uplifting and exciting. Ben Simmons's conversation is full of dynamism, and with Kendall Jenner, Ben Simmons can verbalize smoothly even subtle feelings that cannot be expressed in words with other people.

Misfortune ... Pedantic Kendall Jenner and headstrong Ben Simmons make intellectual arguments
Ben Simmons senses that Kendall Jenner is pedantic and lacking common sense and that Kendall Jenner is always proud of frivolous misguided shallow knowledge. On the other hand, Kendall Jenner feels Ben Simmons selfish, proud, headstrong, inflexible person. Two people feel uncomfortable about the other person's trivial things and argues with dissent. So there is always conflict in this relationship.

Misfortune ... Pedantic Ben Simmons and headstrong Kendall Jenner make intellectual arguments
Kendall Jenner senses that Ben Simmons is pedantic and lacking common sense and that Ben Simmons is always proud of frivolous misguided shallow knowledge. On the other hand, Ben Simmons feels Kendall Jenner selfish, proud, headstrong, inflexible person. Two people feel uncomfortable about the other person's trivial things and argues with dissent. So there is always conflict in this relationship.

Misfortune ... Kendall Jenner's romantic idea makes Ben Simmons suspicious.
Ben Simmons develops an unrealistic and romantic illusion to Kendall Jenner and recognizes Kendall Jenner as an ideal love object that is far from the truth. However, Ben Simmons suspects Kendall Jenner's romantic character, because Kendall Jenner's idea is impractical and Kendall Jenner hides inconvenient things. Ben Simmons calls for certainty of evidence in Kendall Jenner's conversation, but that embarrasses Kendall Jenner and can induce Kendall Jenner's evasive activity. On the other hand, Kendall Jenner somehow gravitates to and idealizes Ben Simmons who is steady and seems to bring reality to the illusion that Kendall Jenner holds. Though both people are attracted to one another, there are many uncertain things between them, and it is difficult to build a trusting relationship with one another, so the relationship tends to be unstable.

  • Sexual Relationship
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Sexual compatibility is especially important in love and a marital relationship. This section examines the sexual compatibility of the two people and shows whether they are sexually attracted to each other or the relationship is one-sided.
Very good luck ... Drawn by irresistible sexual attraction
Between the two people, there is strong sexual chemistry, and they are almost irresistibly drawn together and magnetically attracted to one another, especially, Kendall Jenner feels a strong physical attraction to Ben Simmons. The partner's sexual attraction is intense, irresistible and beyond their control, almost paralyzes their pleasure centers in their brains, and their affairs is memorized so deeply in their minds and never be forgotten for long periods. As Ben Simmons have intense feelings of jealousy and possessiveness for Kendall Jenner at the deepest subconscious level, Ben Simmons compels Kendall Jenner's attention and romantic interest obsessively and compulsively and wants to control and manipulate Kendall Jenner as Ben Simmons wants, exerting repressive influence for dominance. Due to intense sexuality and obsessiveness of this relationship, the people involved in this relationship may not be able to get out of there easily.

  • Cooperativeness
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The following section shows whether the two people can work together and can cooperatively lead their daily lives, and which one will play a leading role.
Very good luck ... They match with traditional gender roles of men and women.
Kendall Jenner sees Ben Simmons as a responsible and dependable person who have self-initiative. Meanwhile, Ben Simmons feels Kendall Jenner sensitive and rich in emotions. Each person perceives the other person as a good fellow whom he/she is always glad to be with. There is a smooth exchange between their minds, and both people understand one another's thoughts and feelings, so they can build a trusting relationship. Ben Simmons will play a leading role in this relationship, and Kendall Jenner will embrace Ben Simmons's way of thinking. So both people will advance together with one another toward a common goal and will be blessed with a harmonious and happy life. Besides, this combination is matched with traditional gender roles of men and women and frequently seen in married couples.

  • Relationship of Trust
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The following section shows whether two people can trust each other or whether one person values what the other person plans and tries to do.
Very good luck ... A jovial and supportive relationship, bringing about wealth and prosperity
There is a sense of joy and happiness in this relationship, and two people are connected with a strong sense of trust, perceiving one another as an amiable and friendly person. Ben Simmons finds Kendall Jenner as an independent, reliable, steady person, and Kendall Jenner perceives Ben Simmons as a warm and generous one. As both people are convinced that they will cooperate together based on goodwill and generosity, they can support one another with respect and appreciation at any cost. This element carries through every matter smoothly and brings about wealth and prosperity to various relationships such as business and marital partnerships. Especially, this element can be frequently seen among married couples.

Good luck ... Ben Simmons transforms Kendall Jenner's creativity into more artistic.
Kendall Jenner perceives Ben Simmons a sensitive and imaginative person. On the other hand, Ben Simmons's imagination shifts Kendall Jenner's creativity into a higher dimension with artistry, and Kendall Jenner can gain an intuitive awareness of more abstract concepts. Besides, the freedom cognized by Kendall Jenner can be transferred from the concept of personal freedom to the more impersonal one by Ben Simmons. Meanwhile, by touching Kendall Jenner's free and open heart, Ben Simmons's sensibility gains courage and boldness, and Ben Simmons feels that Kendall Jenner can change Ben Simmons's present situation. So High dimensional spirituality connects the two people's mind.

Misfortune ... Ben Simmons cannot accept Kendall Jenner's superficial and hasty way.
Ben Simmons's self-expression and Kendall Jenner's creativity are in the opposite direction, which brings repulsion to the relationship. Ben Simmons feels that Kendall Jenner's way of living and thinking lacks common sense and that Kendall Jenner acts on a whim. Besides, Ben Simmons has an instinctive dislike of Kendall Jenner's new and creative way, because Ben Simmons feels that that manner is too superficial and hasty compared to Ben Simmons's common sense based on self-initiative. On the other hand, Kendall Jenner is unbearable and repulsive to Ben Simmons, because Kendall Jenner feels that Ben Simmons is proud and selfish and that Ben Simmons's way to accomplish things is solid and overperfect. They cannot see one another as a reliable partner, which makes this relationship unstable.

Misfortune ... Kendall Jenner makes a big fuss with an arrogant attitude.
The way of expression of Ben Simmons's emotions and the policy of Kendall Jenner's planning are facing discordant directions. Even if Ben Simmons tries to do Kendall Jenner a favor or relies on Kendall Jenner, Kendall Jenner doesn't positively evaluate Ben Simmons's intentions and rarely meets Ben Simmons's expectations. Ben Simmons feels that Kendall Jenner is too big for Kendall Jenner's britches and that taking a bossy attitude and unconsciously tends to act to try Kendall Jenner's patience. When Kendall Jenner is with Ben Simmons, Kendall Jenner somehow becomes irritated and gets sick and is easy to offend with Ben Simmons's trivial matters. Once Kendall Jenner gets angry, Kendall Jenner will make a big fuss with an arrogant attitude and will blame Ben Simmons's behaviors which goes against Kendall Jenner's grain.

  • Fatal and Karmic Relationship
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The following section shows the difference in values between the two people that affects them years after they met and whether one person will suppress the other. These matters don't very much bother them right after they met, but they have huge effects as time passes. The relationship with many "Great misfortunes" in this section seems problematic related to the difference in values over time.
Good luck ... Ben Simmons brings about the right change in Kendall Jenner's heart.
Ben Simmons's deep desire, which the two people don't become aware of, is in harmony with Kendall Jenner's emotion. Ben Simmons can understand Kendall Jenner's feelings very clearly and bring about a good change in Kendall Jenner's heart when Kendall Jenner is depressed or in a bad mood. Meanwhile, Kendall Jenner may be in a good mood by being with Ben Simmons and can fall into a dependency, feeling pleasure in the domination of Ben Simmons. On the other hand, when Ben Simmons doesn't care about Kendall Jenner or Ben Simmons's object of interest moves to a person other than Kendall Jenner, Kendall Jenner may feel jealous and become cranky and frustrated.

Good luck ... They exert transformative power to one another.
The intense emotions and energies which lead to profound changes in the human nature flowing under two people's unconscious are facing in the same direction and have similar qualities, so they resonate with one another deep in their soul and share their homogeneity unconsciously. As two people unconsciously approve and accept that each person makes changes the other person, when two people are together, they promote mutual changes, growing the other person's humanity through a lot of upheavals. As a result, both people can evolve more efficiently and deeply.

Good luck ... A strict but fatal and enduring relationship
Ben Simmons's feelings and emotions opposes Kendall Jenner's sense of values. Kendall Jenner senses that Ben Simmons's expression of feeling is superficial and flippant and that Ben Simmons has a shallow-minded and immature personality that should be properly directed by Kendall Jenner's solid sensibleness. Besides, Kendall Jenner behaves as Ben Simmons's superior being, imposing Kendall Jenner's conservative values on Ben Simmons, suppressing and tensing Ben Simmons's feelings and emotions. Meanwhile, Ben Simmons feels Kendall Jenner coercive and intimidating as a stern father figure. This relationship is not pleasant but hard and not easy to form a smooth connection especially where two people stand on an equal footing. However, on the contrary, if there is a clear hierarchy in the relationship, the two people will belong to this union with mutual consent. Additionally, this is also a fateful relationship that is strongly drawn by the forces of the karma, so two people were brought together for any reason. As time goes by, the bonds of this union will be strengthened, and both people will turn out that the other person is an important character in the drama of life. There are many committed working relationships as married couples, parent and children or boss-subordinate relationships that have this element as a karmic debt to repay.

Good luck ... Kendall Jenner bring about positive transformation to Ben Simmons.
Two people are fatefully drawn to one another and belong to the same organization. Then, both person try to actively lead the relationship. Besides, they are fascinated with one another with sexual attractiveness. Both people have a good impression of the other person, and when Ben Simmons is with Kendall Jenner, Kendall Jenner can cause a positive and structural transformation to Ben Simmons's self-initiative and lifestyle and may make Ben Simmons more confident and improve Ben Simmons's social status.

Good luck ... Ben Simmons directs Kendall Jenner's aggressive energy well.
Ben Simmons can skillfully direct Kendall Jenner's aggressive energy toward the goal in line with Ben Simmons's sound way. When this relationship advances, Kendall Jenner will take on the role of an accelerator, and on the contrary, Ben Simmons will play as a break. The two people are the best-balanced team in which they bring about good results with one another. However, Ben Simmons tends to suppress or disregard Kendall Jenner's sexual approaches by Ben Simmons's conservative sense of values, which make the relationship stoic and less sexual.

 Synastry Astrology - Birth Data Entry
  Fill in the blanks below.
Person1 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person1 : Date of birth     year
Person1 : Time of birth :  
Person1 : Place of birthFill in Person1's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person1's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.
Person2 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person2 : Date of birth     year
Person2 : Time of birth :  
Person2 : Place of birthFill in Person2's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person2's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.