Synastry Astrology
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Synastry Astrology - Birth Data
  • Notes on using the following astrogical reading
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The following results are calculated by the waves of the planets recorded on the bodies of two people at the moments of their birth. Depending on whether the waves have tendencies to attract or repel, they are divided into: Very good luck, Good luck, A little luck, A little misfortune, Misfortune and Great misfortune.

You might think it's strange that both Good luck and Misfortune are listed simultaneously, but just like the screen of your PC or smartphone you're looking at now displays different colors created from a combination of completely different colored dots of red, green, and blue, the waves that produces chemistry between the two people are made from a complex combination of different kinds of Good luck and Misfortune.

Besides, when both Good luck and Misfortune are listed together, both interplay between the two people instead of neutralizing them to zero.

In order to derive overall relationship between the two people from the following items, it is important to read all the items over and over and derive intuitive results from them.
  • Love Luck
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The following are a description of the feelings that develop between the two people, mainly in the early stages of their relationship. Shortly after they met, they feel these following emotions are dominant and universal. However, as years go by after they met, the following "Relationship of Trust" and "Fatal and Karmic Relationship" become more dominant.
Very good luck ... A loving relationship with compassion and affection
There is a smooth and warm flow of compassion and affection between the two people. They feel happy just by being with the other person. Besides, there is a tendency to express love similar to one another. Liberty Ross devotes Liberty Ross's affection to Rupert Sanders, and Rupert Sanders accepts it gently with gratitude. They highly appreciate one another's advantages, and their generosity overlooks some of the other person's shortcomings. So those habits will make the relationship last longer, and this element is often seen in married couples.

Misfortune ... Hot love is soon cold.
When Rupert Sanders meets Liberty Ross at first, Rupert Sanders will magnetically fall head over heels in love at first sight with Liberty Ross. Rupert Sanders gets a feeling of being special with Liberty Ross who is an ideal personification of Rupert Sanders's love interest, and this relationship will be associated with a strong sexual desire. Then their enthusiasm reaches a peak temporarily, and they heighten feelings for happy married life. This can also be an element which triggers marriage if it lasts or not and which is frequently seen in the chart of married or ex-couples. There is a sense of exaltation and freedom but also volatility and instability in this relationship, and Rupert Sanders perceives Liberty Ross a free-thinking person but also lacking stability, which may not satisfy Rupert Sanders who wants love and togetherness from this romantic relationship. On the other hand, Liberty Ross feels Rupert Sanders's attachment somewhat clingy and stifling. As this relationship have a "Hot love is soon cold" nature, it doesn't take time for the two people's romantic feeling to grow cold, and generally, Liberty Ross loses interest in Rupert Sanders first and suddenly. As the relationship passes the peak of enthusiasm, the destructive influence begins to work on relentlessly.

Misfortune ... The difference between one another's quality of affection frequently makes small fights.
Though two people are romantically interested in one another, the kinds of love that each person assumes are essentially different. So when one person expresses love towards the other person, the emotion of unintended quality, which is completely different from what the other person assumes to be love, is expressed from the person towards the other person, so the other person receives it as a feeling other than love such as merely conveying some information. Besides, the other person may be perplexed, uneasy or offended. The same things can happen, when the other person expresses love towards the person, so the person cannot correctly receive the other person's emotion. Over time, those negative emotions penetrate and aggravate the atmosphere of this relationship. Eventually, the two people will never be connected with the true love, and on the contrary, to attract the other person's interest, the person can deliberately interfere with the other person's feeling, so small fights can frequently occur in this relationship. Additionally, they tend not to agree with one another in terms of tastes, fashion and beauty.

  • Communication
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The following section shows whether the two people can communicate freely with each other, including whether one easily understands what the other is talking about, or whether they find their conversation fun or irritating.
Good luck ... An exhilarating and exciting relationship
Rupert Sanders feels that Liberty Ross is novel and unusual and that Liberty Ross solves problems in an unconventional way, and Rupert Sanders praises those Liberty Ross's ability. When Rupert Sanders is with Liberty Ross, the invisible wall could be removed to establish an open and friendly relationship. Meanwhile, Liberty Ross wants to know about Rupert Sanders, so Liberty Ross actively talks to Rupert Sanders and asks many questions about Rupert Sanders. The relationship is wrapped in a fresh and exhilarating atmosphere, and two people spend exciting days. However, the initial exhilaration fades away as time passes.

Good luck ... Liberty Ross responds to Rupert Sanders's scholarly knowledge with high wisdom.
Rupert Sanders has a lot of fun talking to Liberty Ross, and Liberty Ross interestedly listens to Rupert Sanders's talk, accepting it with a warm and generous heart. Liberty Ross feels that Rupert Sanders is an inexperienced person only wielding scholarly knowledge, and Liberty Ross wants to cultivate Rupert Sanders's intellectual talents based on Liberty Ross's lofty wisdom and experience, providing support for the advancement of Rupert Sanders's intelligence. Rupert Sanders is inspired by Liberty Ross's profound wisdom, which adds depth to Rupert Sanders's knowledge. In business, this works as a complementary relationship that Rupert Sanders develops ideas based on scholarly knowledge and that Liberty Ross formulates and funds plans based on lofty wisdom and experience. They think together productively and are connected by the trust.

Misfortune ... Pedantic Liberty Ross and headstrong Rupert Sanders make intellectual arguments
Rupert Sanders senses that Liberty Ross is pedantic and lacking common sense and that Liberty Ross is always proud of frivolous misguided shallow knowledge. On the other hand, Liberty Ross feels Rupert Sanders selfish, proud, headstrong, inflexible person. Two people feel antipathy to and dispute one another's reasoning, making an intellectual arguments.

Misfortune ... Pedantic Rupert Sanders and headstrong Liberty Ross make intellectual arguments
Liberty Ross senses that Rupert Sanders is pedantic and lacking common sense and that Rupert Sanders is always proud of frivolous misguided shallow knowledge. On the other hand, Rupert Sanders feels Liberty Ross selfish, proud, headstrong, inflexible person. Two people feel antipathy to and dispute one another's reasoning, making an intellectual arguments.

  • Sexual Relationship
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Sexual compatibility is especially important in love and a marital relationship. This section examines the sexual compatibility of the two people and shows whether they are sexually attracted to each other or the relationship is one-sided.
Very good luck ... Drawn by irresistible sexual attraction
Between the two people, there is strong sexual chemistry, and they are almost irresistibly drawn together and magnetically attracted to one another, especially, Rupert Sanders feels a strong physical attraction to Liberty Ross. The partner's sexual attraction is intense, irresistible and beyond their control, almost paralyzes their pleasure centers in their brains, and their affairs is memorized so deeply in their minds and never be forgotten for long periods. Besides, Liberty Ross causes obsessive and intense emotion toward feelings of Rupert Sanders's attention and romantic interest in Liberty Ross's deep subconscious level, and Liberty Ross tries to direct those Rupert Sanders's feelings toward Liberty Ross. As they are strongly drawn to one another, if a person is involved in this relationship, he/she might not be able to get out of it easily.

  • Cooperativeness
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The following section shows whether the two people can work together and can cooperatively lead their daily lives, and which one will play a leading role.
Good luck ... They join forces together, and sexual compatibility is excellent.
Two people have a strong sexual attraction to one another, recognizing one another as an ideal sexual object, and actually, have good sexual compatibility. Besides, by having two people involved in this relationship, their energies are brought out and act harmoniously, so it works effectively when two people need cooperation. This element is energetic and lively, and they are ideal for some collaboration or sports companion.

A little misfortune ... Do opposites attract?
The two people are strongly attracted to one another and can rapidly fall in love. However, each person's way of dealing with things and their essential human natures are facing in the opposite direction. So each person's evaluation of the other person will vary due to whether they are considered to be a meaningful or a wrong way. When each person recognizes them positively, they praise one another as a complementary being that covers one another's shortcomings. Conversely, when both people perceive them negatively, they assume that the other person goes the wrong way to solving problems entirely, so there might be a conflict of opinions and constant bickerings. As they tend to be selfish to one another, to keep a good relationship, they have to learn to find a middle ground, moderating one another's assertiveness.

Misfortune ... Relationship of conflict and hatred
The two people are drawn to one another by the sexual attraction between them. However, foreign and discordant energies collide with one another by a feud that one person wants to gain an advantage over the other person. As a result, this relationship will be full of conflict and hatred.

Misfortune ... Rupert Sanders feels Liberty Ross dislikes Rupert Sanders, and Liberty Ross sees Rupert Sanders selfish.
Rupert Sanders feels Liberty Ross, whether true or not, have a feeling that Liberty Ross hates Rupert Sanders, and on the other hand, Liberty Ross senses Rupert Sanders as selfish. Besides, one person perceives the other person to be someone with whom the person feels restless or doesn't want to stay together. When the two people try to achieve common goals, the direction of their policy differs with one another, and the relationship is filled with disharmonic and strange sense, so conflicts are apt to arise more easily. Rupert Sanders tends to become so selfish that Rupert Sanders brushes away and refuses to deal with Liberty Ross's feelings, and in response, Liberty Ross is worried about them excessively, so those issues are likely to cause a rift in the union. It is difficult for them to maintain this relationship without much effort and patience.

  • Relationship of Trust
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The following section shows whether two people can trust each other or whether one person values what the other person plans and tries to do.
Good luck ... Liberty Ross further develops Rupert Sanders's dreams and imagination.
The two people are connected with an intuitive empathy, and there is a positive, gentle, hopeful atmosphere in this relationship. Liberty Ross is generous and warm to Rupert Sanders, and also is mentally and materially supportive of Rupert Sanders which can be done financially. Meanwhile, Rupert Sanders tries to exert high ideal and spirituality on Liberty Ross's conscience. By adding Rupert Sanders's rich imagination to Liberty Ross's expansive nature, the two people can achieve spiritual and material happiness in their lives, so they are connected by a relationship of trust.

Good luck ... Bring about good luck and fortune to the relationship
There is a positive and generous atmosphere in this relationship and a feeling of smooth synchronization about two people's moral and philosophical perspectives. Besides, both people can sympathize with the notion of right and wrong, so those matters work positively in any relationship, and they can build a trusting partnership. When both people do business together, they exchange opinions very smoothly about how to proceed with work or draw up business policy, appreciating one another's views. As this element brings good luck and opportunity, a good partnership can be built between them.

Misfortune ... Liberty Ross denies Rupert Sanders's policies
Liberty Ross always totally denies based on Liberty Ross's conservative values what Rupert Sanders positively plans and promotes grounded in Rupert Sanders's moral or philosophical way of thinking. However, what each person believes is different in direction, and their policies and values don't match. Liberty Ross thinks Rupert Sanders as overly optimistic, unwise and flashy, and on the contrary, Rupert Sanders sees Liberty Ross as unduly pessimistic and serious. If each person can recognize the other person's faults and individuality as differences between one another, he/she can apply it to his/her human growth.

  • Fatal and Karmic Relationship
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The following section shows the difference in values between the two people that affects them years after they met and whether one person will suppress the other. These matters don't very much bother them right after they met, but they have huge effects as time passes. The relationship with many "Great misfortunes" in this section seems problematic related to the difference in values over time.
Misfortune ... Rupert Sanders tricks Liberty Ross, Liberty Ross fears and is cautious about Rupert Sanders.
Liberty Ross unconsciously and vaguely fears and is cautious about Rupert Sanders because Liberty Ross thinks Liberty Ross might be shot in the back by Rupert Sanders. Besides, Liberty Ross harbors the feelings of hatred for Rupert Sanders. On the other hand, Rupert Sanders develops jealousy to Liberty Ross, feeling Liberty Ross's self-initiative to be self-centered. Besides, Rupert Sanders unconsciously tricks Liberty Ross and interferes with Liberty Ross's responsible acts and steps to success. Two people could fatefully be drawn to one another and belong to the same organization. However, they have hostility and rivalry to one another, tryint to get the dominant position than the other person. Besides, Rupert Sanders might try to avoid Liberty Ross. However, as both people can feel sexual attraction to the other person when romantic feelings are added in this involvement, they can lead to a love-hate relationship and tragic consequences.

 Synastry Astrology - Birth Data Entry
  Fill in the blanks below.
Person1 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person1 : Date of birth     year
Person1 : Time of birth :  
Person1 : Place of birthFill in Person1's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person1's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
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Person2 : Nick-name / Gender   Male   Female
Person2 : Date of birth     year
Person2 : Time of birth :  
Person2 : Place of birthFill in Person2's country of birth and the nearest state-city.

You can manually change Person2's born time zone, latitude and longitude, if necessary.
 lat. long.