Find The One is an astrology-based personality and compatibility reading site.
It reveals individual fortunes and compatibility with a partner.
You can also trace back from your birthday to find your destined partner.

Find The One is an astrology-based personality and compatibility reading site.
It reveals individual fortunes and compatibility with a partner.
You can also find your destined partner based on your birthday.

Find The One is an astrology site.
It reveals individual fortunes and compatibility with a partner.
It helps you find your destined partner based on your birthday.

What is "Find The One Astrology"?
"Find The One Astrology" performs a round-robin compatibility check based on astrology between you and people in the age range you set. It shows compatibility based on criteria you select, allowing you to find "The One" by their birthday, whether you're seeking a spouse or a close friend.
The red box below shows factors that positively affect the relationship, pulling the two together and strengthening their bond.
The blue box below shows factors that negatively affect the relationship and cause separation. These are divided into three levels, with higher levels indicating worse compatibility.

How to Search
  • To eliminate negative factors, check the items in the blue box that you want to exclude. (LEVEL 1 is the worst, and the negative influence decreases as you go to LEVEL 2 and LEVEL 3.) At this point, don't check anything in the red box yet.
  • Press the "Start Search" button below to begin the search.
  • If no results are shown, or you want more results, uncheck some items and search again.
  • Check the factors in the red box that positively affect the relationship, then search again to narrow down the results. (Only results that match all selected factors will be displayed. Too many checked items may result in no matches. )
  • Once search results appear, you can recheck your compatibility on the [Reading] button.
  • When a registered member appears in the search results, you can enjoy chatting or video chatting with them.